AGM & Membership Renewal

The Neerim District Landcare Group AGM will be held on Friday 12th February, 2021 at 4pm at the Bendigo Bank meeting room (at the back of the Bendigo Bank in Neerim South).
The ordinary business of the meeting will be to confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting, presentation of the President’s report and the presentation of the Financial Statements, to elect members to the committee and to set the amount of the annual subscription.
All are welcome.

Membership Renewal
We are simplifying the way you can join Neerim District Landcare Group or renew your current membership. We will be using a facility called GroupCare to manage our memberships.
You will shortly receive an email from us with the title ‘NDLG Membership renewal notice‘. Simply follow the prompts in that email to renew your membership

AGM & Membership Renewal 2021-01-22T12:18:20+11:00